A quick test to measure your fitness improvement

A quick test to measure your fitness improvement

Are you looking for an easy way to determine if you're getting fitter from all the training you're doing?

Some of us want accurate measures of progress, while others just want to measure if they're getting fitter or not.

In this post, I talk about a scientifically proven and easy method to measure your fitness improvements for those who don't spend time and money on fancy sports watches and gadgets.

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My post-workout rockstar green smoothie!

My post-workout rockstar green smoothie!

My post-workout rockstar smoothie!

In this video:
- What goes into my smoothie any why.
- Basics of post-workout recovery.
- Tips on how to preserve ingredients.

List of ingredients:
- Greens: spinach, watercress, cucumber, celery.
- Nuts: walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts.
- Seeds & misc: Chia seeds, macca root, Goji berries, olives, evoo, zaatar, oil of oregano, glutamine.
- Spices: cinnamon, cayenne pepper, pink sea salt, beetroot powder, ginger powder, lemon powder.
- Superfood: Spirulina.
- Liquids: lemon juice, ice and water.

Adjust to taste.

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Are you having trouble breaking bad habits and forming new ones?

Are you having trouble breaking bad habits and forming new ones?

Our ability to succeed in anything we do today (in health, career, life or self-development) hinges on developing good habits and getting rid of bad ones.

We live busy lives, and we're bombarded by distractions and temptations, any of which can seriously derail our focus.

In this post, I talked about 2 techniques I've found to be extremely powerful at achieving two things:
1. Breaking a bad habit
2. Developing a long-lasting positive habit

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