Why our brains make us "give up" and how we can change that

Why our brains make us "give up" and how we can change that

Do you find yourself giving up on projects all the time?

There is a reason why our brains "make us give up. 

But there is a way to change that and make sure you complete all your important projects, whether personal or otherwise.

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The key to building habits: are you an "abstainer" or "moderator"?

The key to building habits: are you an "abstainer" or "moderator"?

Have you ever tried to get into a habit of doing something only to fail after a while? We've all fallen prey to temptation and what is often referred to a "lack of willpower or discipline". 

Gretchen Rubin points out that the approach to building habits should be dependent on the type of character a person has. 

For example, some people are "Abstainers" while others are "Moderators". Knowing which one your are is key.

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3 ways to turn what you "need" into something you "want"

3 ways to turn what you "need" into something you "want"

It’s only human nature: we do “what we want” much much more often that “what we need”.

Doing what we “want” is just easier.

Often times however, what we “want” is NOT what we “need”. 

In fact, doing what we "want" is what pushes us away from what we're trying to achieve (personal, career, fitness goals).

Here are 3 tools you can use to put yourself back on track.

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Are you having trouble breaking bad habits and forming new ones?

Are you having trouble breaking bad habits and forming new ones?

Our ability to succeed in anything we do today (in health, career, life or self-development) hinges on developing good habits and getting rid of bad ones.

We live busy lives, and we're bombarded by distractions and temptations, any of which can seriously derail our focus.

In this post, I talked about 2 techniques I've found to be extremely powerful at achieving two things:
1. Breaking a bad habit
2. Developing a long-lasting positive habit

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The Digest - March 9

  • The richest people share a surprisingly high number of common habits which are easy to adopt.
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) found to significantly increase risk of diabetes.
  • A list of the most potent herbs to combat inflammation.
  • Study shows that a low-fat diet causes more weight loss. Or does it?
  • Make these modifications to your hip flexor stretch to take it to the next level.
  • Applying for a new job? Fine-tune your resume with these tips.
  • Some weight-loss surgery patients struggle to lose weight because of their gut microbiome.
  • Study shows that 30min of missed sleep causes weight-gain.
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