We should really stop telling people to eat more fruits and vegetables!

We should really stop telling people to eat more fruits and vegetables!

Everywhere you go, you see government bodies, dieticians and doctors recommending that people should “eat more fruits and vegetables”.

But hold on a second! Fruits and vegetables are 2 completely different things!

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How can a "goal" stand in the way of your success

How can a "goal" stand in the way of your success

Can the way you set your goals actually block you from achieving them?

It's a very common problem: many people get paralysed by their own goals and end up disappointed and demotivated.

In this post, I talk about how you should approach goal setting to make sure that this doesn't happen, and that you get rewarded EVERY SINGLE DAY by the progress you're making towards your goals.

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5 Steps to Overcome Negative Beliefs

5 Steps to Overcome Negative Beliefs

Negative beliefs are common among all of us, and often stand in the way of our happiness and achievements.

In this video, I talk about 5 steps you can take to help you overcome these negative beliefs.

If you enjoyed this video, please share!

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Why our brains make us "give up" and how we can change that

Why our brains make us "give up" and how we can change that

Do you find yourself giving up on projects all the time?

There is a reason why our brains "make us give up. 

But there is a way to change that and make sure you complete all your important projects, whether personal or otherwise.

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