Your key to achieving something significant every single day

Your key to achieving something significant every single day

Often times days go by and we feel like we haven't moved any closer to our major goals.

In this video, I talk about a technique you can use to ensure that you achieve something meaningful and significant every single day!

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3 things you can do when you hate your job

3 things you can do when you hate your job

Many of us have been in situations where we have to take a job only to pay the bills.

Sometimes that job becomes a serious psychological burden on us because we either don't enjoy what we do, our boss is terrible, or we just can't find anything positive about it.

In this video, I give you 3 tips to help you deal with such a situation.

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How to achieve real balance in "life"

In this video, I talk about a simple tool you can use (and I do all the time) to make sure that no part of your life gets neglected while you focus on achieving your goals in another (for example, career vs. family).

How to stop snoozing & wake up with enthusiasm!

How to stop snoozing & wake up with enthusiasm!

We all fall prey to the infamous "snooze" every morning. Sometimes multiple times.

Then we end up rushing out of bed like crazy, trying to get ready, and we start off our day stressed.

In this video, I discuss an easy tool you can implement to stop snoozing and help you wake up with enthusiasm (and which does not involve putting the alarm clock on the other side of the room!). 

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Are you "un-coachable"?

Are you "un-coachable"?

Whether you're an entrepreneur, athlete, or just want to elevate your performance in different aspects of your life: no one is born with a full skill-set - we can all benefit from being "coached".

However the "coach - coachee" relationship is a two-way street: both parties need to have certain attributes for the relationship to work and for the benefits to materialise.

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If you're like me (until a year ago) and most people: your energy drops dramatically in the afternoon, making it hard to function properly at work.

Here are 3 tips you can use to make sure that you get through the afternoon WITHOUT an energy dip, and finish your day with plenty left in the tank.

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5 steps to become SELFISH on EMAILS (and why you should)

5 steps to become SELFISH on EMAILS (and why you should)

Most people get overwhelmed by the volume of emails they see in their inbox in the morning, and by the time they address them all, half the day (and their productivity) is gone.

Here is an alternative approach to dealing with emails that allows you to regain your sanity, boost your productivity, and keep stress levels low.

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UAE Banks & Entrepreneurs: It's a lose-lose relationship - Part 2

UAE Banks & Entrepreneurs: It's a lose-lose relationship - Part 2

In Part 1, I talked about the fundamental flaw in the relationship between entrepreneurs and banks in the UAE, and which has led to both parties suffering severe and increasing pains since early 2015.

In this Part 2, and as promised, I’m offering my thoughts on some solutions to remedy this imbalance.

I will provide suggestions to both entrepreneurs as well as banks.

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